Monday 27 May 2013

New Look & Select Haul.

Well, hey there stranger!

How long has it even been? I'm unbelievable.

Anyway, today I went shopping with my sister and her boyfriend and I was so excited to post on my blog again because it's been too long. 

P.S: Please excuse the pictures I've took in the mirror, I realise they're rubbish quality.

New Look - £24.99
Well, I went into New Look, wandering about and then I spotted it. I ran to it, I picked my size up and I rushed into the changing rooms. If you know me, you will know how much I like my denim blues and my navy blues. Well, this beautiful denim playsuit was just perfect. I love the floral pattern on it and I also love how baggy it is on me. In England we've recently started getting warmer weather and yesterday I wore my other playsuit, but I felt as though I needed a change. It wasn't exactly on my list to buy this but I love it. I had such a funny experience in the changing rooms, but I'll tell you that at the end. 
Here I go again rambling on. 

New Look - £19.99
Just as I was going to pay for my playsuit, I spotted this out of the corner of my eye. 
I haven't worn a dress in about 9 years.
I h a v e n ' t w o r n a d r e s s i n a b o u t 9 y e a r s.
Just putting that out there. 
I was basically screaming at myself to buy at least 1 dress whilst I was out shopping. I had so many doubts about this dress, I've kept the receipt and the tag on it because I know I'll never wear it but I just liked it. I loved the beautiful spotty pattern on it and I adored the aztec pattern at the bottom of the dress. It's such a soft material so it's not too thick for the summer weather. 

Select - £8

After we finished shopping in New Look, I ventured on down to Select. I didn't find much there that I liked and then there was a little corner of navy blue+white striped clothing. I adored this corner and I spent a good 10 minutes admiring and investigating that section. I finally made a decision to pick this top. I just loved the thin flared material. It's so light in weight and it's also a good thing for the warm weather. I loved the buttons on it and the part at the bottom of the buttons where it has some spare fabric which you tie together. I love this top so much and I will be wearing it a lot.

That's all I got for today, even though it's a bit short, it's better than nothing?

Bye for now!

Okay so the story about when I was in the changing room:
My sister came in with me because you know, every girl needs another persons opinion on their clothes haha. Well, I tried on a size 8 in the blue denim playsuit, it was fine getting it on, I loved it infact. It fit perfectly. But then when I tried to get it off...

I was crying from laughter because I couldn't get my arms back out of the sleeve holes. My sister was nearly wetting herself at me and I was just there with a bent arm trying my best to get it off haha.

I bet everybody outside the changing rooms were thinking, "what's going on in there?"
All I was shouting was, "Pull it! Pull it down!"

Oh my. It's been such a day and I'm so glad I shared it with you.

Saturday 6 April 2013

Nail Polish Haul&New YouTube!

Hi guys! 

So today, I went shopping with my sister and her boyfriend.

I had a little hype on nail polishes, hehe.

So, here they are;

The first 4 I got from Primark, but the colours are unknown. 

However, the Maybelline Colour Show polishes, do have colours!

The first one (from the left) is called 'Latee,'

The second one is called 'Midnight Taupe,'

And the last one is called 'Clear Shine.'

Next, I will be doing a review on these.

I decided to try out YouTube videoing.
I've only got one video up right now, but I am planning to put more!

Bye x

Sunday 31 March 2013

New Hairstyle.

Hi guys,

So I've recently took interest in a new hairstyle which I think suits me, but I'm not sure.

(Sorry, my hair is 2 different colours haha).
Anyway, I just used a sock doughnut to do this, and I quite like it so I'd thought I'd share it with you because it's not really me... well, it is now!

Yesterday, as you saw in my last post, I went and bought an actual hair doughnut last night and I tried it this morning. I actually thought the sock was better... So unless I get the hang of the actual doughnut, I'll be going out with socks in my hair! Haha.

Bye x

Saturday 30 March 2013

Small Haul!

Hey guys!

So today I went up town with my family, and I didn't buy much but I bought stuff haha.

Let's get started.

So firstly, I saw this beautiful navy blue jumper that has a grey shirt collar underneath. I just fell in love with it, my 2 favourite colours. I got this from Matalan, but I have forgot the price wow.

Oh, whilst I was in Matalan by the way, I was point out e v e r y blue and white striped thing that I saw hahaha silly me.

The second thing I bought was this gorgeous knit plaited cream/off-white woolly jumper that I absolutely adore. The only thing I don't like about it, is that the arms are fitted, which isn't my thing, but other than that, it's perfect. Also from Matalan and I also don't know the price.

The next few things I bought were:
From left to right:
Classics Nail Polish Remover
Medium Black Hair Doughnut
Latest Elle Magazine
Supersoft Volume Boost Apple Shampoo
Herbel Essences Uplifting Volume Shampoo
Apricot Exfoliating Facial Scrub.

And the next two pictures, I cheekily picked up some Love Hearts and some Rock Pops Lollipops.

I hope you enjoyed this, bye.

Sunday 17 March 2013

New Piercing!


I've now decided I WILL post every Sunday, and maybe during the week if I have any spare time.

So yesterday, I went to get my ears pierced, again.

I had them done when I was about 5 or 6 but they got infected so I had to take them out. I decided to get them done again, so I did!

Sorry for the extremely short post.

Bye x

Sunday 10 March 2013

My bath rituals!

Hey guys! Well you've probably read the title so let's get to it!

So, first of all I start running my bath, obviously. But before the water reaches the top of my bath, I oil the basin a tiny bit with Johnson's baby oil (second from left). By doing this it means it will mix into the water. After I've done that, I also add the tiniest amount of RadianB Foaming Muscle Soak (first from the left). I don't like a lot of bubbles in my bath, so I add a small amount which just makes it smell great! 

Whilst my bath is running, I go over to the sink and wet my hands. Then I wet my face and pour a small amount of E.L.F Mineral Facial Cleanser (forth from left) into my hand and rub my hands together to make a lather. I put it on my face and wipe off with my muslin cloth. After that I dry my face, and then get my NSPA Hot Cloth Polish (third from the left) and rub it into my fingertips. It reminds me a lot of Sudocrem but anyway, I put it on my face as an exfoliator and wipe off using my muslin cloth again with lukewarm water.

After that I tie my hair up and then get into my bath and relax for about 5-10 minutes. 

Then I take a simple soft sponge and put on a reasonable amount of Lux Shower Heavenly Milk Shower Cream (fifth from the left) and obviously wash myself down. 

When I've done all that I get out of the bath and wash my hair over the bath because I don't like doing it in the bath, it's just not right! Haha. I use BB Beautiful Brunette Moisturising Shampoo (seventh from the left) which makes my hair feel very clean even though it's wet. Then I lock in the moisture with Simple Gentle Care Conditioner (ninth from the left)

When I've done that I wrap my hair in a towel and towel dry it. Then I lightly mist over my hair Thickening Hair Spray (tenth from the left) 

After I've finished absolutely everything, I do my lips. I use E.L.F Lip Exfoliator (eighth from the left) which tastes and smells so sweet I could just sit there and eat it. Then I use my finger to rub that in, lick it away and apply some Original Vaseline (sixth from the left) 

I know this post is extra long but it makes up for the amount of time I haven't posted! I apologise so much.


I forgot, when I've finished all of that I make a "healthy" *winks* chocolate milkshake with Nesquik!

I hope you had fun reading this although it's extra long! 

Bye xx

Saturday 23 February 2013



I'm not going anywhere today, so I thought I'd just get dressed really, I haven't been dressed all week because I'm so lazy so I thought I'd do an outfit of the day!

So, to start off with I just threw on this jumper. It's featured in the 'My obsessions' post I did. It's just plain and simple, great for around the house!
I know you can't see them but it was the best I could do. They're only some plain black leggings, as per usual really.
Just chilling with some vanish carpet spray in the background ahahahaha.
